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Dr Haniso Motlhabane

Dr. Motlhabane is BIUST’s Director for Outreach and Engagement. The BIUST’s Pre-University Academic Programmes is one of the key programmes he is responsible for, which is an initiative aimed at strengthening the pipeline of Mathematics and Science students from pre tertiary levels of education to the BIUST in particular and to the general tertiary education landscape. The programme is also directed at creating general public awareness and interest stimulation towards Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). Dr. Motlhabane has served as Interim Associate Provost for Continuing Education and Outreach. He has also acted as ‘Vice Provost – Student Affairs’ and as Deputy Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration. He has served and still serves in several key portfolios of the university life and programmes of development such as BIUST Senate, Institutional Accreditation Core Working Group (IACWG), BIUST Strategy Development Advisory Teamm, BIUST Staff Training and Development Committee, Chair of Deans and Directors Forum, Chair of BIUST Transformation Task Team, Chair of Graduation Committee, Chair of National Science Week and STEM Festival Committees, Chief Negotiator in the Joint Negotiation and Consultative Committee (JNCC) with Unions, Member of BIUST Fundraising Committee and Chairperson of BIUST Examination Misconduct Appeals Committee. He has served in several national tertiary education policy structures: Member of a ‘Reference Team’ for the establishment of a National Research Fund coordinated by the Department of Research, Science and Technology (DRST) of the Ministry of Infrastructure Science and Technology (MIST), Member of a ‘Reference Team’ for the development of a ‘Generic Tertiary Institutions’Act coordinated by the Ministry of Education and Skills Development (MOESD), Chairperson of Botswana Mining Museum, Educational and Research Centre (BOMMERC) that is being established at BCL Mines in Selibe Phikwe. Dr Motlhabane has served in many other forums that have shaped the current tertiary education and the national ‘science and technology landscape such as: The ‘Education and Training Strategic Sector Plan Reforms Working Group’ of the Ministry of Education and Skills Development, The Botswana Innovation Hub (BIH) Steering Committee in 2007 whose major task was to draw an Action Plan for the BIH, guide and coordinate the mobilization and first implementation phase of the Botswana Innovation Hub as a Project, Member of Botswana Innovation Hub Coordinating Committee (BIHCC) in 2005 whose aim was to encourage and support the start-up of innovative and high-growth technology based businesses through a business support initiative of the then Ministry of Communications Science and Technology, Secretariat member of a Task Force on the Establishment of BIUST in 2003 and subsequent assigned role in March 2005 as Project Facilitator to initiate the establishment BIUST, and BIUST’s ‘Academic Staff Development Programme’ marshal.