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Prof Roger Gibson

Roger Gibson is Professor of Structural Geology and Metamorphic Petrology in the School of Geosciences at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg (WITS). He served two terms as Head of School, from 2009 to 2019. He has published over 100 papers on structural-tectonic and metamorphic aspects of various metamorphic belts in southern Africa and the Kaapvaal craton, as well as impact structures in southern (Vredefort, Morokweng), western (Bosumtwi) and northern (Oasis) Africa, and North (Chesapeake Bay) and South (Chicxulub, Araguianha) America, and recent meteorite falls and finds in Africa. His special focus has been the Vredefort impact structure, on which he has published two major field guides and a popular book with his long-time collaborator Uwe Reimold. He has twice been awarded the Jubilee Medal of the Geological Society of South Africa and has served on the GSSA Council and its Management Committee, including Chair of its Tectonics Division and Education Committee. He is actively involved in promoting geoheritage awareness and conservation in the Vredefort Dome. Roger has served on the Meteoritical Society’s Barringer Award Committee (2020-2023) and as convenor and leader of the Society’s Impact Crater Task Group (2019-2022), as well as on the Editorial Boards of Geology, Geological Magazine and GSA Bulletin, and as Guest Editor for two GSA Special Papers, as well as special issues of the South African Journal of Geology and Journal of African Earth Sciences. He is a founding member of the Africa Initiative for Planetary and Space Science (AFIPS) and is involved in PAPSSN via the Dissemination Committee, and FAST4Future as Chair of WP05 Committee.