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Ms Yaki Chiyokoma Namiluko

Yaki Chiyokoma Namiluko is an Environmental Engineering Lecturer and Researcher at The Copperbelt University of Zambia since 2011. With a background in Physical Geography at undergraduate level from the University of Zambia, her first appointment was Water Engineer Trainee/Hydrologist under the Ministry of Energy and Water Development in Lusaka, Zambia from 2002 up to 2005. Prior to lecturing, she worked as an Environmental / Geographic Information Systems Planner under a UNEP/UN Habitat project. Specialized in Remote Sensing and Mapping of various Climate Change and Environmentally related projects, she has also been engaged in a variety of STEM integrated projects such as Urban Food Security, Carbon Footprint, Environmental/Water/Waste management in emerging countries, Climate change in environmental issues, reclamation of derelict mining areas, PanAfrican Planetary and Space Science Network (PAPSSN), an Academic Mobility project funded by the Intra-Africa Mobility Scheme of the Education Audio-visual and culture Executive Agency of the European Commission  (EACEA). Furthermore, from the research perspective, she has been engaged in Urban Food system project under the Food and Agriculture (FAO) project. At the International fora, she is a member of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (AusIMM). She holds a master’s degree in environmental sciences from the University of Liverpool (United Kingdom) and is currently engaged in PhD research in the management of mine waste and metal recovery at The Copperbelt University African Centre of Excellence in Sustainable Mining.