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Submitted by demissie on 7 March 2024

Lusaka, Zambia - January 23-25, 2024

The Department of Physics at the University of Zambia hosted the launch of the Work Package 4 Kick-Off Meeting for the Focus on Africa Space Science and Technology for Future Development (FAST4Future) project at the Grand Palace Hotel in Lusaka, Zambia from January 23rd to 25th This gathering underscored a strong commitment to advancing Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education in Africa. Mr. William Katongo, the Acting Permanent Secretary from the Ministry of Technology and Science, officially opened the kickoff meeting. The event was graced by the presence of Mr. Mwenya Mulenga, Director, Science and Innovation, Ministry of Technology and Science, Prof. Anne Sikwibele, Vice Chancellor of the University of Zambia, and Dr. Orleans Mfune, Dean of the School of Natural Sciences. In addition to esteemed scientists, collaborators from various organizations also participated in this significant initiative.

The kickoff meeting’s primary objective is to foster conversations concerning the status of women in STEM and higher education across African partner nations. Furthermore, the intention was to collaborate on formulating a comprehensive learning program in Space Science and Applications in consultation with partner Higher Education Institutions. Another pivotal agenda in the meeting was to facilitate discussions on assessing the transferability of credits within the partnership.

In his official statement, Mr. William Katongo conveyed the dedication of the Government of the Republic of Zambia to fostering the growth of proficient space scientists, tackling current challenges, and pioneering significant discoveries. Prof. Anne Sikwibele echoed these sentiments in her address, underscoring the significance of the FAST4Future initiative in propelling Africa forward during the 4th industrial revolution.

Dr. Orleans Mfune, Dean, School of Natural Sciences, in his welcome address to distinguished guests, highlighted the School of Natural Sciences' unwavering commitment to supporting initiatives that foster education and scientific collaboration.

Prof. Fulvio Franchi, the Principal Coordinator of the FAST4Future Project from Botswana International University of Science and Technology, delivered a comprehensive presentation on the overall FAST4Future project. Dr. Rekha Rajan, Head of the Department of Physics at the University of Zambia, and leader for Work Package 4, provided an overview of the specific goals and initiatives under Work Package 4. 

This was followed by presentations from various task leaders and scientists from various partner institutions involved in FAST4Future project. 

As the FAST4Future project takes its initial steps, the Kick Off Meeting set a dynamic stage for collaboration, reflection, and innovation. The University of Zambia, alongside governmental support, and international partnerships, stands poised to shape the future of STEM education in Africa through the FAST4Future initiative. The Gala Dinner, a celebration of the significant strides of FAST4Future, provided an atmosphere of networking and camaraderie, reinforcing the collaborative spirit that defines this transformative project.

Stay tuned for updates on the Work Package 4, FAST4Future project developments and contributions to the global scientific community.