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Dr. C. N Ofodum is an Assistant Director/Head, Astro-science Division of the Centre for Basic Space Science, National Space Research and Development Agency Nigeria. He holds a Bachelor's Degree in Physics & Industrial Physics from Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Anambra State Nigeria. From this same University, he also obtained his Post-graduate Diploma (PGD) and Masters of Business Administration (MBA) in Marketing in year 2003 and 2006 respectively. In 2008, he obtained his second Masters Degree (MSc) in Astrophysics from the University of Nigeria Nsukka (UNN) and a Doctorate Degree (Ph.D) in Astrophysics from this same institution in 2016. Dr. C. N Ofodum joined the services of the Centre for Basic Space Science in 2005. As a researcher employed at the Centre for Basic Space Science, he has attended several training programmes in Observational Astronomy using various facilities (optical telescopes) of the South African Astronomical Observatory (SAAO) Cape Town, South Africa with special interest in the study of short-period variables (roAp stars). Consequently, his active participation in front-line research has resulted in several publications in many reputable local and international journals. In addition to his contributions in Astronomy and Astrophysics research, Dr. C.N Ofodum has remained a key and strategic member of the Scientific Organizing Committee for the Pan-African School for Emerging Astronomers (PASEA) since the inception of this biennial school in year 2013. In addition, he has being serving as a member of the Task-force Two (TF2-Astronomy for Schools) of the International Astronomical Union-Office of Astronomy for Development (IAU-OAD) since 2013. Again, he is currently serving as a member of the Grant Review Panel for the IAU-OAD since 2013. Dr. C. N Ofodum is a member of many professional bodies which include but not limited to: Astronomical Society of Nigeria (ASN) and African Astronomical Society (AfAS).